
A Penny For Your Thoughts

We talk about different types of divination methods all the time.  There are just so many out there to choose from.  How many of you have ever flipped a penny or a coin to make a decision.  Heads is one result, tails is the other right? I think everyone is familiar with it. 

We are going to do this today but in a different way.  Ready?

Think of a question that you’ve been wanting an answer to.  You need to be able to make it so that heads is one decision and tails is the other.

Make sure that you are really clear on the results in your mind for each side.

Hold the penny or other coin in your hand for a few moments thinking about the question that you have and both possible results. 

When you are ready flip the coin in any manner you choose.  You can flip it onto your hand, drop it into something, whatever is easiest for you.

What result did you get?  How did that make you feel? The feeling you got is the answer to your question. That’s the twist.  You know deep in your heart and soul most of the time what you want an answer to be.  If heads came up and you were disappointed it means that you want whatever tails is.  If heads came up and you were happy, that validates what you want to do.  Makes sense right?

Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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