
Bicycle….Bicycle… I want to ride my bicycle….

Bicycle….Bicycle… I want to ride my bicycle….

Do I successfully have the song by Queen in everyone’s head now? lol :))))))) When I was younger one of my favorite things to do was to ride my bike.   My parents moved up on top of a mountain with me when I was in the  7th grade and that was pretty much the end of it for me unless I felt like going 4 miles up a mountain.

I live in an area where there are rail trails, basically these are old railroads that are no longer in service that the towns have done over and are now bike trails.  There are a lot of them up here now.  One of them near my house begins in my town and you can go all the way to Farmington Connecticut which is at least 27 miles.  They are still working on the trail though and once it’s complete it will be 90 miles, we are just waiting for them to connect a few sections. :)))

When Earl moved out here he was beyond excited about the trails but I hadn’t found a bike that I could ride.  I haven’t been on a bike since I was younger.  Part of the problem is that I am an awkward height.  I am too tall for the 24″ and too short for pretty much all the 26″.  I’m just 5’1.  I’ve been passively looking for one over the past couple years.  I say passively because I suppose I could have gone to a bike shop but I didn’t want to spend hundreds on a bike.  I was in Walmart the other day and hit on the bike that’s above. :))) It fits perfect!!! I am so excited. :)))

I have to be honest I was nervous on how I would do after it had been so many years.  We did two separate trips yesterday, the first was 8 miles and the second was 4.  Today we went just over 13 miles. :))))) I was so proud! :)) Not too bad for not riding for years. :))) I am super sore though!

Honestly though it felt so good to be out there.  The temperature outside was in the lower 60’s today which was beyond perfect and it was gorgeous! All the leaves have turned here and they were falling on the path.  I am beyond happy. :)))))

Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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