ArticlesFull Moon

Full Moon Blessings!

Tonight we celebrate our Full Corn Moon.  How many of you live in areas where the corn fields are filled.  I know we have some just up the road from our house packed with corn.  They always smell amazing.  We just celebrated our first harvest with Lughnasadh the other day and this is the closest Full Moon to that Harvest.

With tonight’s Moon we want to look at what we’ve been planting in our lives and what abundance it’s been bringing our way.  Tonight is also a good night to see if you have any abundance that you can set aside for later on in the year when the nights are longer and the cool weather returns.  With the Wheel of the Year our ancestors use to find ways to store the abundance of the crops that they were experiencing, canning and drying what they could for the long winters.  As you go into the Full Moon tonight, think about where the abundance is currently in your life. 

Our Full Moon is in Aquarius tonight while our Sun is in the mighty Leo bringing us some interesting energy.  You are going to find that personal freedom is the focus.  For many of us we have been learning that the old ways of doing things simply aren’t working and we’ve been making some changes.  Some of those changes we may not be so fond of and other changes may be pretty amazing.  Change is always good as it gets us out there to explore, learn more about ourselves and figure out what we want to do with our lives that would make us happier.  It breaks us out of routine that can sometimes lead to life just passing us by.  While this energy can be challenging you will find that it is requiring you to be fully present in the life that you are living.  You are alive and you have so much to live for.  Don’t forget that. 

Any time there is change around us in life especially the levels that we’ve been seeing we get called upon to view things in a different way.  We can’t keep looking at things the same way or trying to, that will lead to blocks in our lives.  If you find that you’ve been stuck lately ask yourself if you’ve been trying to look at things from different perspectives.  While change can often be challenging it can often bring us some of the most wonderful energy.  I’ve been seeing references to the phoenix lately and rebirth.  We will rise up with new energy.  Some of the new energy you are looking for to support you with this will be coming with our New Moon this month.  Tonight though you want to think about where you’ve been, where you are and where you want to go.  What’s working? What isn’t working? Is there something that you need to see in a different way? Keep in mind that personal freedom is definitely key tonight and the energy in the sun from our Sun God Lugh and the mighty Leo are bringing you a cocktail of energy to empower you and give you the confidence and courage to see out what will bring you that freedom.

This is not a time to grieve for the past.  Make sure you aren’t getting caught up in the nostalgia of the past, or even the pain of the past.  It can hold you back in a never ending ring of challenges, roadblocks and disappointment.  It’s time to close the door, grab that suitcase and march into our future. New and wonderful things are waiting for us. 

Have a magickal night!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

P.S. Today is the last day to order your Full Corn Moon Reading

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