Together we are stronger,together we are unbroken,together we can do anything. – Jasmeine Moonsong
By finding the magick that is all around youyou will learn to find it within you. – Jasmeine Moonsong
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. – Chinese Proverb
Your Power Hand In Magick
How many of you have read a spell and noticed that it asked you to use your power hand? How many of […]
“Discover yourself,learn who you truly are,then honor yourselfas you walk your personal magickal path.” – Jasmeine Moonsong
Daffodil Magick
Daffodil Magick One of the beautiful signs that Spring is finally here is the daffodils everywhere. Where I live they are usually everywhere […]
“If we knew how loved, how Divine,how unlimited we really are,we’d see each other through tears of joy.” – Unknown
The Norse Goddess Frigg
Many of you have likely heard of the God Odin but how many of you have heard of his wife, the Goddess […]
Life is magical when we are bold and have the courage to move forward into the unknown rather than backwards into security. […]
Meadow View Farms
Several years ago Earl and I found this beautiful gem of a farm near us. It’s a huge farm that sells flowers, […]