July 23, 2020July 23, 2020Articles, Astrology Star Walk – Take a tour of the night sky Many years ago now I found Star Walk for my phone and it really changed how I viewed the night sky. If […]
July 23, 2020July 23, 2020Wiccan Quotes “There is no greater power than the one others do not believe you possess.” – Luis Marque
July 22, 2020June 28, 2023Aromatherapy, Articles, Stones Quick Witch Tip: Lava Stone Bracelet I have a quick and easy magickal tip for you today. How many of you love working with essential oils? There are […]
July 22, 2020July 22, 2020Wiccan Quotes Choose consciously and wisely. You are only one choice away from changing your world. – Jasmeine Moonsong
July 20, 2020July 20, 2020Articles, New Moon New Moon Blessings How are you all doing? Ready for tonight’s New Moon? First things first…. I want you to take a look at the […]
July 13, 2020August 7, 2023Animals, Articles, Recommendations, Spirit Animals Wolf Cam! Many of you know that I absolutely love the wolves. The White Wolf was my first spirit animal that I became aware […]
July 13, 2020July 13, 2020Wiccan Quotes “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” – Maya Angelou
July 13, 2020July 13, 2020Animals, Articles Saving the Fireflies Many of you know that I anxiously await the fireflies that come each year here in New England. The few weeks that […]
July 12, 2020April 15, 2024Adventures, Articles, Earth, Energy The Turquoise Lake I’ve lived in New England my entire life and through the years I have definitely found some wonderful places and spaces. One […]
July 12, 2020July 12, 2020Wiccan Quotes With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts. – Eleanor Roosevelt