July 29, 2019July 29, 2019Articles, Children, Crafts, Stones Create a Wish Stone My daughter is volunteering at the college near our home this Summer where she is working with children of all different ages […]
July 29, 2019July 29, 2019Wiccan Quotes The craft isn’t something that you learn in a book or by taking a single course.It’s a way of life.It’s energy that […]
July 26, 2019July 26, 2019Articles, Healing, Recommendations Love Herbs? Exciting Opportunity for a Free Course! I had this amazing deal come to me today and I wanted to make sure I shared it with all of you […]
July 26, 2019July 26, 2019Wiccan Quotes “The moon is a loyal companion.It never leaves. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing […]
July 25, 2019July 25, 2019Ancestors, Animals, Articles, Energy, Trees The Energy in the Old Oak Tree Many of you know that everything in the world is made up of energy. Through the years I’ve come to understand that […]
July 25, 2019July 25, 2019Wiccan Affirmations Affirmation – My wishes will come true. original artwork by: Enrique Meseguer
July 25, 2019July 25, 2019Wiccan Quotes Follow your heart and your dreamsand the world will show you the most beautiful things. – Jasmeine Moonsong
July 24, 2019July 14, 2020Articles, Earth, Garden Planting Trees to Honor the Earth Many of us partner with Mother Earth as we walk our life. Something that’s really important is planting trees for the future […]