
The Energy in the Old Oak Tree

Many of you know that everything in the world is made up of energy.  Through the years I’ve come to understand that many of those things can hold energy and if you spend time with them you may even be able to draw upon that energy, one of my favorites being old trees. 

When was the last time that you saw an old tree like a mighty Oak Tree with a base so wide there’s no chance you could get your arms around it.  Did you know that an Oak Tree is considered old at 700 years old and often lives to be close to 1,000? Can you imagine all that tree has seen in it’s life? Consider for a moment all the days that have gone by that tree, the animals, the people, the weather and the energy.   Can you imagine the people who saw that tree in it’s younger years? Perhaps some grew fond of the tree just as you may and spent time with it.  

I have a couple trees in the area that I live in that I am particularly fond of.  Both are Oak, both are huge and incredibly old.  I find that when I sit at the base of them I am immediately calm.  They are amazing at storing energy and giving it back to you when you may need it.  It’s something that I’ve been doing for a long long time as trees have always grabbed my attention.  I’m also very fond of birch and Willow trees. Those trees typically have much shorter life spans though which is why I chose the Oak tree for today. 

When you get some time choose an old tree to visit.   Pay attention to how it makes you feel when you sit with it or touch it.  Can you pick up anything from time gone by? Try this with a few different trees and notice how different they feel to you.  Choose one that you find particularly grounding and visit it when you need that extra help with your energy. Thank the tree when you are done and send it some love.  Hopefully that tree will remain for many generations to come.

Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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