You made it! Hi! How are you?
I invite you to sit for a moment and just take a deep breath. Just for a few moments today, give yourself permission to sit for a few minutes and take this time for yourself.
Visualize a beautiful candle. Visualize this candle.

It’s a special candle that was given to me very early on in my craft and it only comes out for very specific spell work. Today I just lit this candle for you and sent the energy towards you. You may choose to accept it for your higher good if you wish as that is how I have sent it out to be available for you whenever you may need it. I send it with love, blessings and calming energy that is meant to help heal you and help you as you step forward with the light of our Full Moon today. The affirmation on this candle is as follows:
I am filled with the strength, wisdom and abundance of the Goddess, uniting me with the rhythm and the flow of life.
You can sit with this for a bit and let the energy sink into you. It will help you on your journey forward. If you need to draw upon it again you can bring this picture back to you.
Energy of change is powerful now and I know many of you have been writing to me about some pretty challenging yet exciting times in your life. Some of you have been called on to take leaps of faith, some have learned to stand your ground in order to establish what you want, and others are working to navigate the energy of change and opportunity that is around us now. The energy that has been around us has been fast-paced, confusing at times, challenging and I know has raised a lot of anxiety issues in many. Many of you have likely been feeling anxiety, headaches, fatigue and other things that may have been a bit out of the norm.
The good news is that our Full Moon tonight is in Virgo. I just love Virgo. It’s that beautiful organized earth energy that is familiar, detail-oriented, positive and honestly just what so many of us could use right now to get our feet back on the ground, dust ourselves off and see where we have landed. Tonight is a night to look at where you are, where you wish to go and to align yourself with that energy. It’s a powerful night of energy for sure. This energy will be quite enjoyable though bringing some comforting yet empowering energy to help support all of us wherever we may be standing on our journey in life today.
The purpose of all this energy that is around us is to help to empower us to live the life that we want to live. While this sounds simple I’m quite sure all of us can think of at least one thing that we do in life that doesn’t align with what we want in our lives. The frequency of that will help determine how strong this energy is. If you are living a life where you really aren’t where you want to be or doing what you want to be doing you may find that you are seeing glimpses of where that is. Some of these glimpses may not be subtle. Some of them may be coming in the form of challenges. However, you are working with this energy and whatever challenges it’s meant to help get us to where we want to go. Our Full Moon this evening is going to help us to see all the details and perhaps bring some things into place that need to be or even make some plans for the future.

I drew the Chariot for our Full Moon tonight. I can’t say I’m surprised to see it here with all this energy that I’m sensing. It is one of my favorite cards in the deck. I believe that with hard work, dedication and belief in self you can make things happen in your life and you can make your dreams come true. Today I’m seeing her holding a dandelion that represents your wishes and for the first time ever that path that she’s on is made of stars for me… you are on a path to a dream that you have in your life. This isn’t the time to be afraid or to back down but to really go for what it is that you want. It’s the type of thing that if you don’t you will always wonder what would have happened if you did. It’s time to start looking at that path of stars that makes up the wishes that you want and move in that direction. You may find that the hard work that you put in throughout the coming weeks lays down a pretty important path for your future.
Have an amazing night and a Blessed Full Moon!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Full Moon Reading – If you haven’t purchased your Full Moon Reading yet they are still available on the shop but retiring soon! February Full Moon Reading I am currently booking for readings this week.
Full Moon Spell! – Join me on Moonsong Daily Magick to receive a copy of the spell we are working with for the Full Moon tonight!
3 thoughts on “Full Moon Blessings!”
I just cried so hard for this. I am so grateful for you. Thank you!
Full Moon Blessings Jasmeine!
Full Moon Blessings! <3