Have you been feeling the energy of this Moon coming? Little reminders or challenges of where you may be a bit short of the freedom that you desire in this life or perhaps a light shining on things that you need to reconcile in your life to find more happiness. At the beginning of the year, I mentioned that it would be a year of self-love and self-empowerment and the energy so far has been delivering.
I’ve been able to feel the energy of this New Moon coming for almost a week now as it’s been illuminating things in my life that I need to see that I want in my future and also showing me things that still need to change. We all had a deep look at our lives and where we truly are throughout most of last year. This year we are taking that knowledge and putting it into action. It’s your chance to use those things that you have learned.
With this New Moon, the emphasis is going to be on personal freedom and your emotions. If you’ve been finding that you’ve been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately that’s not abnormal. You may also have been finding that you’ve been struggling to sleep at night. Things may have felt a bit chaotic lately as you struggle to navigate each day and take in everything. That’s not to say all challenges are bad. I know I’ve had some in the past couple of weeks that have led to some pretty outstanding results that I’ve been celebrating. I’ve also had some that have peaked my anxiety a bit. I’ve been pulling out all the knowledge and tools that I have gained through the years. I can honestly say that this energy has been valuable and will help me moving forward. When you reflect on the last week can you think of how things that have challenged you may have benefited you? Perhaps some beautiful rewards have come your way for your hard work? The energy this week has been trying to show us things and you will find that this energy is meant to help close out this last lunar cycle and helping us to move into the next lunar cycle.
Tonight you are going to find that all of this energy that we have been experiencing peaks. Freedom and happiness are on your mind and while you may find that you’re a bit tired from the energy surrounding us you may also find that you are more bold and willing to say what you are thinking. Have you noticed you are more willing to speak your mind lately? Sometimes that can be a very good thing, especially for those of us who may rarely do that. The goal of the energy with tonight’s New Moon is to bring us more freedom and fewer restrictions and this is the shift in energy that you will find helps you in the coming weeks.
During our New Moon tonight we are going to have six planets in Aquarius. This is just a massive powerhouse of Aquarian energy coming our way. Aquarius is ruled by air which is why we are going to find we are feeling a bit more emotional. It’s also going to help us to get more in touch with our emotions and how we truly feel. It’s important to take the time to check in with ourselves from time to time to assess how we are truly feeling about things. Communication can be stronger now and if you need to have a heart to heart with someone this may be a good time. It’s also a time to let those dreams take flight for what you want in your future. This energy that Aquarius is bringing us is going to show us what our life currently looks like and then move us to shift in the direction of what we want. This is not passive energy. It’s an incredibly strong energy that will call upon you to take action. If you’ve been looking to make changes in your life your energetic vehicle is here to help move you to where you want to go.
Go out tonight and find that first star and make a wish. Pour your heart out to the stars, the Universe and your guides and let them know what direction you want to see your life going in. What will empower you? What will have you feeling like you have more freedom in your life? What do you need more of in your life? Set that energy in motion this evening. Remember that when you set that energy in motion tonight it’s not enough to wish on that star, you must also commit to yourself that you are going to make things happen. Energy is simply a tool to help you, you are the person responsible for those amazing things that happen in your life. Things will not change unless you make those hard decisions and make them change.
We must also remember to be open to the future. I think there’s a tendency to want to look back and hold onto what was and we’ve been getting very clear signs that this isn’t the time for that. Be in the moment in the present and move into the future. It’s time to move forward. Be sure that you work with this energy and move in the direction that you wish to go. Celebrate those things that make you who you are and make you happy in life and seek to honor those things as you move forward on your path.
Have a Blessed New Moon!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
P.S. Today is the last day to order your New Moon Reading!
New Moon Blessings!

2 thoughts on “New Moon Blessings!”
New Moon Blessings Jasmeine!
New Moon Blessings!