Many of you are looking for ways to relax, tune into your intuition more and to have a stronger connection with your guides Today I have a meditation exercise for you that can help with all three. We are going to create a space that is all yours, somewhere you will be comfy, somewhere you can clear your mind and think and a place that you can call upon your guides in meditation whenever you wish.
Find a place where you can be comfy and undisturbed for a period of time. You want to choose a place that you can either lay down or that you can sit comfortably. It’s really up to you which position helps you to relax more.
Dim the lights in the room, but light a single white candle near wherever you are.
Say the following as you light the candle:
“I ask thee to be with me,
guide me on my journey and help me see.”
Start at your toes and slowly work your way up your body, focusing on each muscle in your body and relaxing it. You may want to envision a beautiful golden light making its way through each section of your body.
When you are ready, start watching your breathing. It should be slow and steady at this point. Count 10 breaths, feeling yourself relax further into your meditation as you do.
See yourself on a path in beautiful forest.
Take time to feel the sand and pebbles crunching under your feet.
Note the trees around you and if you see any animals. Can you hear anything?
Spend a few moments walking on this path and just enjoying how good it feels to be relaxed and in this moment.
Up ahead you will notice rays of sunlight streaming into a larger opening on the path. Walk towards that opening.
On the other side you will see a house. I want you to take a close look at the house. What color is it? What material is it made out of? How big is it?
As you look at the house I want you to try to focus on the door. Can you see it? How does it look? Walk up to the door and open it.
Inside you will find yourself in a room. Take a few moments to adjust to the room and note the details around you. Listen for any sounds and note any smells.
In the center of this room there is a table with two chairs.
I want you to take a seat at this table. Close your eyes and ask your guide to be with you. Wait until you can feel their presence and then open your eyes.
At this point I want you to ask your guide one question.
Stay here for a few moments.
Give thanks to your guide when you are done.
Exit the house and walk back up the path.
When you reach the end of the path, stretch your body and slowly awaken the muscles in your body.
Record your experience in a journal.
The place you just went to is now a place for you to go in meditation any time you like to meet with your guides or you just want time to relax. On your first trip there I just wanted you to ask one question to get a feel for it. As you do this meditation more you can begin asking more questions. This is a special safe place for you to go anytime that you wish. If you did not see a guide when you opened your eyes in the meditation, please don’t worry. It can take practice. Each time you do it, try to relax a little deeper and to note more details of your spiritual home. You will get it. The picture I used with this article reminds me of my place that I go. If you wish you can use that as a starting point if it’s easier for you. Remember this is your space to do whatever you wish! You can add to it each time or change it whenever you wish.
Have a magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Build Your Spirit House