How many of you remember how magical the holidays were when we were little? Do you remember making Christmas lists and getting excited for Santa to come? Do you have other family traditions or religions that made this time of year amazing? For me, this truly was one of the most magical times of the year. I make it a point each year to try to find a way to bring some of that magic back.
With Yule, Christmas, and the New Year quickly approaching, you will see a number of movies on television and shows on streaming services that have to do with the Christmas spirit and believing in magic. Take time to watch some of them. When was the last time you saw It’s a Wonderful Life or the Miracle on 34th street? We had the opportunity to watch It’s a Wonderful Life done by a local theater group over the weekend and it was so much fun. Growing up I would watch both of those movies every year, along with a treasure trove of holiday favorites like Rudolph, Frosty, and other Christmas specials. I’m a child of the ’80s so it was a big deal to see those holiday specials come up in the newspaper for the weekend! 🙂 Do you remember what it was like to leave those cookies out for Santa and crawl into bed hoping you could sleep and it would finally become morning? It’s such a magical time of the year. People are more generous and loving. Why? In my opinion, one of the reasons is that we all tend to believe in magic and the powers of good a little more during this time of year. It’s the one time of year that I feel like everyone is focused on everyone else and it’s really beautiful.
One of the most important aspects of working with magick is believing. I’ve talked a lot about intention as well. But let’s face it if you do a spell and don’t believe it’s going to work, it won’t. If you don’t believe in the fae, there’s a very good chance you will never find them. Just as you believed in the magic of the holidays when you were younger and hopefully now as an adult, you must believe in magick for it to be effective. The foundation of magick and spell work is energy and your ability to work with it. If you don’t believe in what you are doing, you won’t be able to work with it. The magickal energy of the holidays is an amazing, loving energy, and it is drawn to those who believe in it. We are all quite capable of it. We just need to stay positive and believe that it can happen. We need to believe that not only can it happen but that we can make magick happen.
Here are some more little ideas to help you with this. I mentioned watching spirit of the season movies. This weekend we are making ornaments that I made when I was young. We make it a point to make recipes that have been handed down through the years. Both of these help keep the energy of loved ones in the past around us as well as making new memories to bring forward. Read books that will put you in the mood for the season. Tuck little stickies everywhere around you that say, “I believe in magick.” Carry a little vial of glitter around your neck and add energy to it to remind yourself to believe in the magick that YOU can create.
Have a magickal day and holiday season!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Finding Magick in the Holiday Season