Tonight we celebrate our Full Flower Moon, the second Super Moon in a powerful trio and a Full Lunar Eclipse. Many of you have likely felt the energy building up to the Full Moon this evening as this energy shifts around us preparing us for the changes and challenges coming our way.
Our Full Moon tonight is known as the Full Flower Moon. Over the past few weeks,it I’ve really been enjoying the various flowers coming into bloom here in New England. Our yard is filled with purple daisies everywhere now that are wildflowers that we have been working on spreading around for the bees. Our pots of flowers are hanging outside and this year I have a new addition that I’m so excited about.
We found the rack on the side of the road for free at some point and I just loved it. We hadn’t found a home for it and I had to make a decision about letting it go this year and then it hit me… it was absolutely perfect for outside. I picked up some flowers to add to it yesterday and happily spent my early morning hours today potting the flowers to put on the rack. We also started a lot of extra buckets around our deck this year. I am loving the results! We have herbs, peppers, tomatoes, flowers and other goodies in buckets surrounding the deck turning it into this beautiful and amazing-smelling wonderland to sit in. It’s a wonderful compliment to our other gardens.
Tonight’s Full Moon is a Super Moon, the second in a series of three actually and so we find ourselves in a bit of a magickal space in between. When you find a space in between it tends to have more power and the energy can be more intense. The energy that I’m picking up on is energy of self… who are you? How do you view the world? How does that view impact your life? We are in a powerful time of alignment where we are working on bringing our world around us in line with our personal beliefs, desires and our hearts and souls. It’s important energy that we are working with. I keep speaking to you of self-love and personal empowerment and this energy is so important. Things that are coming to light now for you are going to show you where you are doing well with this energy or where you need more help or to make more shifts in your life.
For many of you, there are major shifts in the energy around you. I’m talking major shifts, physical moves to new homes, career changes, caretaking of loved ones is another huge one that keeps coming up. It’s about constant change and adaptation to things happening in your life. Make no mistake though for as much as you may feel that you are being swept away on a powerful wave of energy you have a lot of input into this energy. Be sure that you make that input known and put your energy of what you wish to see in your life out there.
A total lunar eclipse is powerful as we can experience all the energy of the various phases of the Moon in one night. It’s a powerful time of illumination. You may find things coming into the light now that you didn’t realize were there or even existed. It can change the way that you see things and the way that you do things in your life. Be open to that. Look and see what the Universe is trying to show you. Don’t fear the energy of change. It can bring some pretty wonderful things.
Just as the flowers are blooming all around us now, know that this is a time that you are also meant to bloom. You’ve spent many many months collecting information and making minor shifts and adjustments in your life and for many of you a crossroads is either in front of you now or it will be with the final Super Moon. See this as an opportunity to choose the road that calls to your heart. It isn’t every day that you are given a chance to follow your heart in life. Be true to yourself and honest with yourself and you will find that you are always on the best path for yourself.

The card I chose for our Full Moon tonight is the 10 of cups. The message is to think about what your happy ever after looks like. Are you in line to achieve that? What changes do you need to make in your life to be truly happy? What options or opportunities would you like to see the most in your life. As you go into tonight you want to think about what is the most important to you. What makes your heart and soul sing. What makes you truly happy. It’s time to go after it. Remember the space in between is the place to make some powerful magick happen.
Sending you so much love! Have the most magickal Full Moon! Get out there and enjoy it!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Don’t forget to join Moonsong Daily Magick for the complete Full Moon edition and a spell you can work with tonight!
P.S. If you haven’t booked your Full Moon reading today is the last day!
2 thoughts on “Full Moon Blessings!”
Many blessings ! I feel like I’m caught at the bottom of a powerful waterfall, being forced to the bottom and bashed into the rocks. I keep grabbing air and trying to figure out how to get out, but I can’t seem to find the current that will release me. I am disabled and can’t seem to find a way to reduce my pain enough to get a job. I have to rely on government funds and getting housing here in Oregon is quite difficult since last year’s fires. You are a blessings, my air. Thank you
I do hope things get better for you! Sending you love and blessings. May the Goddess shine down upon you and bring you what you need. <3 Much Love and Many Blessings, Jasmeine