Blessings of the Summer Solstice and Litha! Today we are celebrating our first day of Summer and tomorrow we celebrate our June Full Moon! I’m excited about the Full Moon tomorrow coming just behind our Summer Solstice! It’s a great way to start the Summer with a beautiful Full Moon to illuminate the sky and our lives!
Our Moon this month is known as the Strawberry Full Moon, named for the strawberries that many of you will find in your local markets and roadside stands now. One of my favorite memories of the beginning of Summer was going to pick strawberries. I’m quite sure more wound up in my mouth than in the basket when I was young as strawberries are one of my favorite foods. I already have them in the house this year. While I haven’t gone to pick them personally I have grabbed a couple of boxes from the store. I just had them for lunch before writing this to you! <3
Join me tomorrow on Moonsong Daily Magick to learn more about the energy that the Full Moon is bringing your way. If you join today, you will also get a copy of the special Summer Soltice edition today. Included in the Summer Solstice edition today is a special spell that reminds me of Summers spent as a child. Tomorrow you will receive a special spell that you use to work with the energy of the Full Moon. I hope you will join me!
Don’t forget to order your Full Strawberry Moon Summer Solstice Reading!! At the time of writing this I still had a few Full Moon Solstice Messages available as well. Don’t forget the Summer Solstice Sale is on now!! I still have the Summer Solstice and Litha readings up for you if you haven’t purchased them yet. Stop by my shop!
I hope that you have a Blessed Summer Solstice and a Blessed Full Moon!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Full Moon Blessings and Blessings of the Summer Solstice!