We can try to plan things out in our lives and the fact is that one thing, one moment, can come along and change absolutely everything you thought you knew in just one moment.
In those moments is as if time stops as you silently try to process all the things that would change in this moment. Then you have decisions to make. Do you try to hold onto the past or do you embrace a future that is waiting for you.
I’m a big believer that a lot of things in life happen for a reason. No matter how confusing things may be in the moment or how hard it may be in that moment if you look for where that change that moment may be directing you to look it may become easier to see where you are meant to go.
While it’s tempting to resist change often it’s something that we need to not only accept but respect and the best thing that we can do is to decide what our decisions are and how we want our path to look as we move forward.
As we enter one of the most powerful seasons of change, remember these things as you go forward. Even if things seem impossible or even awful in the moment there may be something just up ahead that you can’t see yet that’s just waiting for you. It’s time for us to be very open minded and to do our best to go with the flow. The world is waiting for you.
Have a magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Going With the Flow in a Season of Change