Can you believe that it is just one week away! I’m loving all the bright blue skies and sun here in New England. Everything is incredibly green and we have the fireflies every night now. We also have added in a chorus of crickets each night to fall asleep to!
Litha and the Summer Solstice – June 20th
Next week we celebrate Litha and our Summer Solstice. I have both the Summer Solstice and Litha readings available for you on the shop right now. I still have some room for delivery on or before the Solstice.
Full Moon June 21st
We celebrate our Full Strawberry Moon on June 21st of next week. This is a special Full Moon as it is so close to the Solstice bringing you some great energy. Of course I have a special Full Moon Reading for you with a great option to combine it with the Summer Solstice Reading to receive a special bonus of two free oracle cards!
Retiring Soon!!
Can you believe that we are half-way through the year? For those of you who haven’t ordered your Mid-Year Forecast yet I am retiring it soon! Make sure you grab yours now! I also am retiring the Witch Way Summer Reading soon! Make sure you grab both of these now!
Don’t Miss a Thing!
If you haven’t signed up for Moonsong Daily Magick yet I invite you to join me each morning in your e-mail! It’s something that I have designed to bring a bit of magick to your day each day. I will have special editions for all the upcoming events!
Have an amazingly magickal day!!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Happy Summer! Almost!!