Perhaps growing up in New England has contributed to my love of cemeteries. Maybe it was because when I was younger and we were out in the woods exploring I would come across the remains of towns that once were with really old gravestones in the middle of nowhere. Maybe it’s because I was obsessed with the Paranormal growing up as I have the gift of sight. I have a true love of cemeteries and would happily spend many days going to visit them. In fact, I have spent many happy hours going through old cemeteries and reading all the stones. We have stones from the 1600’s here in Massachusetts and a lot of really incredible cemeteries like the Old Burying Ground in Salem, or the Granary burying ground in Boston, and Burial Hill in Plymouth. It’s not uncommon for us to be out exploring for a drive and I will ask Earl to pull over as I can recognize instantly if it’s an old cemetery.
I see so many people saying cemeteries aren’t haunted….. I’m never really sure how to respond to that as I’ve definitely seen and felt my fair share of spirits in graveyards. I’ve also felt them in other places that aren’t around graveyards. However, I do want to say that out of all of the graveyards that I have been to I have never felt threatened by a spirit in a graveyard. I’ve had energy that felt off… or less than inviting for sure. I have felt threatened in other places. For instance, I have dealt with a couple of disgruntled spirits in my time as I like to call them. Interesting right? I’ll tell you more about them in another article.
One thing about cemeteries that I do find can be difficult is the energy of people who are alive that visit. As an empath, I will pick up on the energy of all the people who come here to visit those who are on the other side. If I’m not careful it can get overwhelming quickly. The most overwhelming one I have ever been in is Arlington. It was massive and there was just a heavy sadness there that was hard to describe. I also kept hearing troops in the distance marching and doing their calls which was really eerie. It’s something that I have learned to control with my gifts and I’m ready for it now. Sometimes I wonder if that contributes to the uneasiness that people feel in cemeteries. Maybe it’s not so much of the energy of those who have crossed over as it is the energy of the living.
I often find cemeteries to be relaxing honestly. If you know how to do psychic maintenance there are some absolutely beautiful cemeteries with the most wonderful gardens. After all these places are meant to be beautiful places to rest once your life here is complete. I have spent many happy hours in cemeteries walking the beautiful landscaping and reading the writing on the stones.
I also must add that I usually investigate during the day. Perhaps that’s why my experiences differ from others. I’ve never felt called to go to a cemetery at night and most of them are closed after dusk anyway. However the couple of times I have been there at night instead of the day I don’t honestly believe there was that dramatic of a shift in energy? I don’t believe that all the spirits come out at the stroke of midnight to haunt the world. There is something about 3 a.m. though…. 🙂 I do believe that the darkness can help people to feel a bit more nervous about what they will find. I pick up energy no matter what time I am in a place.
I encourage you to go to your cemeteries and learn about the people who are there. Look at the dates on the stones. If you live in New England there are some really incredible graveyards that you can go to. No matter where you are, I’m sure your towns have stories to tell and you can learn a lot from going and exploring.
One of our oldest cemeteries in the center of the town I live in has started doing a fundraiser each year that has been incredibly successful. Each year they do a Haunted Graveyard tour where various people from our town dress up and tell the stories of the various people that are in the cemetery from behind the person’s grave. We all go after dusk with lanterns and it’s an incredibly cool experience that has really caught on out here. The money is used to keep restoring all the old stones. Perhaps you can suggest the same for a cemetery in your town. It’s so important that we preserve the history of our ancestors and those of others as well.
Have a magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Haunted Cemeteries

Tombstone and graves in an ancient church graveyard