Yesterday we talked about Haunted Houses and the reasons that you may find a house to be haunted. Whenever you invest energy in an object or a place it forms an energetic cord to your soul. Some of those cords last longer than others.
When you cross over you have the ability to go many places and honestly to be in many places if you wish. It’s hard for us to envision that as we can’t do that here. Often souls will come back to check on people, places, or even objects that meant a lot to them in the life that they walked.
One item that you see depicted a lot as an item people may find haunted is a child’s toy. This isn’t really surprising. How many of you had stuffed animals or toys that you loved a lot when you were little. The energy that you invest in that toy is absolutely significant. If a child crosses to the other side it wouldn’t be surprising that they would be drawn by that energetic cord to an object that may have been left behind.
Many years ago now I managed to have an experience with an object that a soul was quite attached to. I had picked up a box of model airplanes from a yard sale. The woman’s husband had recently passed away and she was letting them go at quite the discount. I was incredibly excited about it and thought it was something that I could work on with the kids when I had time. The box sat in my room next to my bed. Over the next couple of nights, I started seeing a man in my doorway. Mainly a shadow. He was hard to make out and if I looked at him directly I would often lose him but I could feel him. His energy was intense. This went on for a while and I couldn’t figure out why it was happening. I’m pretty in tune with the energy of my house now. I had honestly forgotten about the box of planes. I finally made the connection and wondered if it was the planes. I brought them outside and placed them in the shed. While it improved the situation, it didn’t fix it, and the location that I was seeing him actually expanded to varying places in my house. There’s nothing like running to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and seeing a shadow go by you. It’s not something that I enjoy and I have boundaries for that.
I finally realized what it was and decided to get rid of the planes. We donated them to a club that used them after I cleansed them. You can cleanse items with white sage. Sometimes it may take a time or two. What this does is that it helps to cut the cord that ties the soul to the object. My hope was that the club that would work on them would really enjoy them and this would make him happy. I never felt threatened by him? He just felt very unsettled so I’m wondering if perhaps he wanted those to go somewhere. I might have brought them back to his wife but I honestly had no idea where they had come from.
So there’s one of the many many stories of spirits that I have for you! Be careful when purchasing things that are used. If you have trouble with something you can cleanse it to help with that connection. It doesn’t hurt anything. The soul that had the attachment can still see the object if they wish but it encourages them to move forward and lets them know the object has exchanged hands.
I hope that you have a magical day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Haunted Objects