
Healing Stones for Chakra Management

For a long time now I have just loved working with stones.  They have amazing energy and if you are looking to work with energy healing they can be absolutely wonderful to work with.  

A chakra is a circular vortex of energy in your body.  When you are working with energy healing you will almost always pay special attention to the chakras as their maintenance can influence both your physical and mental well being.  Many of you will likely be familiar with the seven most common ones.  

One method of opening and healing your chakras is working with stones that are associated with them.  Their energy is known to help maintain your chakras.  Today I wanted to give you a quick overview of some stones that you can work with.

When you are working with your chakras one thing to always remember is that the color the chakra is associated with can often help you determine what stones are good to work with.  For instance the Root Chakra is associated with the color red.  You will also find that red stones like Garnet and Bloodstone are great to work with.  They aren’t the only stones you can use though.  Read on to find out more. 

Root Chakra – Your Root chakra is associated with the color red and is located at the base of your spine.  Your Root chakra helps you to feel grounded in life. It also helps you to focus and feel centered.   Some amazing stones to work with for your Root Chakra include Smoky Quartz, Hematite, Black Tourmaline

Sacral Chakra – Your Sacral chakra is located just below your navel and is associate with the color orange.  It often helps you to be in touch with your emotions and understand them.  It also helps with sensuality and creativity.  One of my favorite stones to work with for the Sacral Chakra is Tiger’s Eye.  It helps to bring mental clarity and to remove any worries or fears that you may have allowing you to really access the energy of this chakra easier. Some other wonderful choices include Sunstone, Amber, Calcite and Carnelian.

Solar Plexus Chakra – Your Solar Plexus chakra can be found in the area of your stomach and is associated with the color yellow.  This chakra is responsible for our personal power and courage.  It’s helps us to be assertive when we need to.  Tiger’s Eye can also help with courage and confidence making it not only a good choice for working with the Sacral chakra but also your Solar Plexus.  Citrine and Peridot are also amazing choices when working with this Chakra.

Heart Chakra – This is always an easy one to remember as you will find your Heart chakra located in the center of your chest.  Our heart chakra governs our heart, our self love, our love for others, compassion in life.  Rose Quartz is an amazing stone to work with when you want to heal and attract energy to do with love.  Another favorite of mine for the Heart Chakra is Watermelon Tourmaline. It is an incredibly uplifting stone.  Rhodonite is a stone of self love and unconditional love making it another perfect choice.

Throat Chakra – I bet you can figure out where your throat chakra is.  It is responsible for helping you with communication and your ability to speak your personal truth and is associated with the color blue.  Blue Lace Agate is amazing to work with when you need to be able to communicate clearly.  Kyanite has incredibly high vibration and can really help to remove any blocks that you may have with communication.  You may also like to work with Angelite which helps to boost your awareness and bring you this gentle loving energy making you more comfortable and confident in communicating with others.

Third Eye Chakra – Your third eye is located on your forehead between your eyes and you will find your Third Eye Chakra in the same place.  Your third eye chakra is responsible for your intuition and imagination.  It is associated with the color indigo.  One of my favorite stones to work with for the Third Eye is Ametheyst.  It’s so easy to find and it’s energy is so wonderfully calming and it really can help open you up to your intution.  I have it all over my desk and my home. Some other stones that are great for working with your intution are Lapis Lazuli and Shungite and another favorite Labradorite the sister stone to Moonstone.

Crown Chakra – The last chakra we are going to work with today is the Crown chakra.  This chakra helps us to connect with our guides and the Universal energy.  It is often associated with the color purple or white.  You can also use Amethyst to help you with your crown chakra.  One of my favorite stones is Moonstone and you can use Moonstone to help you with your Third Eye chakra and Crown chakra as well.  Malachite is wonderful as it helps with communication and opening chakras.  Selenite is another wonderful choice.

I hope this helps! 

Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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