The tarot can be used in so many different ways. One way that I find that is incredibly valuable is as a check-in for your personal energy. Today I have an activity that you can work with that will help you identify some patterns happening in your life. Are you ready?
Get yourself a journal, a notebook or even create a place on your phone where you can keep a note. Choose a tarot deck that you can work with daily for a long time. This is incredibly simple but it can give you a lot of information if you work with it pretty routinely.
Each day pull one tarot card from the deck. Before you pull the card ask your guides what you need to know about the energy in your life at the time of the tarot pull. Look at the meaning for the tarot card for that day. If you don’t read the tarot you will find that most decks come with a guidebook and you can just use the meaning from there.
This is where it can get interesting.
Each day pull a new card and record it. After a week look back. Did you have any of the same cards? Any suits that were the same or numbers? These can help to provide clues as to the energy around you in your life or themes happening. What can make this even more helpful is the longer that you do this. If you are working with this for a few weeks and you notice that the tower keeps coming up frequently that is letting you know that there is a major change that needs to happen in your life. By pulling one card every day and looking for patterns it can help to identify major energy at work around you in your life.
Have a magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Identifying Trends in Your Life Using the Tarot