
Lammas/Lugnasadh Tarot Journey Open Now!

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I’m so excited to turn the Wheel of the Year with you again. We celebrate Lammas or Lughnasadh each year on August 1st. This is a time that we celebrate the harvest of grain and our Celtic God Lugh. Energy of blessings and abundance is all around and we have much to be thankful for. The Celtic God Lugh is known as the God of Grains, skills and craftmanship, and art and inspiration. This day is the perfect time to celebrate the skills that you’ve been blessed with or ask him for assistance in developing a skill or looking for inspiration with something in your life.

I have a two-part reading available for you. You can choose just one or both. I’m also making them available with oracle cards and a four-week tarot forecast. The first reading is the Lughnasadh Tarot Journey, the second is the Herb Garden Tarot Journey. I hope that you enjoy them both!

Have an amazingly magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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