Many of you may remember me mentioning a pair of mourning doves that’s been coming to me for the past several years. Did you know that they mate for life? I just learned that this morning. Of course it instantly reminded me of Phoebe on Friends saying that Rachel is Ross’s lobster. Unfortunately lobsters are actually not among the animals that mate for life. However they are immortal….more on that on a different day. Lobsters do join up for two weeks but after that the male lobster is known to have several partners. While I was disappointed by learning about the lobsters I thought it would be fun to learn about any other animals that mate for life.
Wolves also are believed to mate for life. We’ve all heard about them traveling in packs and the alpha male. That alpha male usually has an alpha lady by his side to help him run the pack.

Many species of penguins also mate for life. The Macaroni Penguins are special because they do the cutest love dance for each other to show their affection for each other.

One of my favorites at the Aquarium is the seahorses. Something about them had always captivated my attention. While most fish are not known to mate for life seahorses spend a lifetime together. They are also one of the only species where the male bears the unborn young.

At night I can listen to the owls calling to each other in the woods across from my house. It’s so much fun to sit outside on a Summer night and listen to them. Many owls mate for life. The male Barn owl is known for going way out of his way to impress his mate. He will go out of his way to bring her extra food while trying to win her partnership.

Often used as a sign for love swans also mate for life. They are known for the heart shape that they make when they put their heads together.
I hope you have enjoyed the animals that we’ve explored today. They are just a few of the many examples that you can find.
I hope that you have an amazingly magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong