This Christmas my 11 year old son gave me the sign that says “Love you to the Moon and back.” Isn’t it pretty? He had a craft fair at his school and he found it. He was so excited about it he had all he could do to keep it quiet until Christmas. It was incredibly sweet. The beautiful flower next to it that I think looks just like a Lotus flower was a gift from my daughter that she made for me. You should see it in person, it just shimmers and it gorgeous. I was so happy with both of them but I needed the perfect place to put them. The result? My desk got a complete overhaul!

This shelf is the top of my desk. There has been a variety of things up there in the past but I moved all of it and created a dedicated space for all my tarot decks and books. They don’t all fit! I still have a treasure chest full of decks.

I thought some of you may enjoy seeing the results of my rearranging and the types of things that sit on top of my desk each day. I have a salt crystal lamp and some crystals in this one along with a new Crystal Wisdom card set that I will tell you about on a different day that was also a present. It’s a really unique deck that I know a lot of you will love to see. Daisies are my favorite flowers so I tucked the seeds up there as a reminder that my gardens will be coming back soon.
I hope you have a magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong