
New!!! Full Strawberry Moon Summer Solstice Tarot Reading!!!

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Our Full Moon this month is on June 21st. This is a special Moon as it’s also the Summer Solstice! This Moon is often known as the Full Strawberry Moon or the Full Strong Sun Moon. The Full Moon is the time of greatest power and the perfect night for magick and ritual as it’s a night where energy is in abundance. The Full Moon represents the Goddess in her Mother aspect. She is fertile and abundant gaining knowledge. As this Full Moon is on the Summer Solstice I have a special opportunity for you to pair this reading with the Summer Solstice Reading!

The Full Moon is an amazing time to work with the Tarot. It’s a great time to check in and see how things are going. This tarot reading is a great general reading to assess how your life is currently going and where you are on your path.

Options!!!  With this reading you have the option to add oracles and a four-week tarot forecast. You can also pair it with the Summer Solstice Reading for a free bonus two oracle cards. Two Card Oracle Bonus is good for any combo reading.

Have an amazingly magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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