New Moon Blessings! I just got back Sunday from a few days in upstate New York. I was lucky enough to cash in some points to get a nice hotel in Warsaw New York for free for a few nights. I needed time to ground and center and honestly to just take a small vacation from the craziness of the world and the things that I work through in life each day. I tried really hard to avoid the news when I was up there and it helped a lot. I instead immersed myself in the most beautiful waterfalls that I have ever seen and found myself wandering through antique shops and exploring where old country roads filled with lots of corn would take me. We even managed to see fireworks over Niagara Falls. Most of the photos are taken in Letchworth State Park. That was our primary destination and I honestly wish I had more time there. It was beyond gorgeous. I made you a quick collage.
Our New Moon tonight is bringing some interesting energy. I’m not going to pretend like there isn’t a lot of craziness happening in the world all around us. I’m well aware of things that have been going on lately ….honestly too aware I think at times and it was part of the reason I needed to get away. I find so much peace in nature. The minute I get out there and I get time to breathe in the air of the world around me it just transports me away from all the stress I may be carrying and gives me time to just ground and center and to feel more solid in where I was standing. I was ready to get back to things today. This is extremely relevant to the energy that I’m picking up from the New Moon tonight and what you want to do to work with it. If you’ve been taking in too much from the world around you and you are feeling stressed, tired, or just overwhelmed in general I want you to use the energy of the New Moon tonight to help bring things back to center.
The energy tonight you will find is grounding. It’s focused on you and it’s going to help you to focus on the world around you and that’s important. If you can get out for a walk in the woods today I highly recommend it. Maybe a nice long shower with some candles where you can just relax. Take some time tonight to sit with a simple white candle lit in front of you and write down anything that you may be holding onto that is bothering you. These can be worries or fears, things you aren’t happy about, or anything that you would like help in letting go of. When you are done, fold it three by three and burn it in a fireproof bowl. With that, you are releasing this energy. Now make a list of your wishes, your hopes and dreams, and those things that you would really love to bring closer to you. Fold this three by three and find a place in your home where you can keep it safe. Carry it for the next 24 hours if you can. Above all take some time to breathe tonight. Use this energy as a bit of a reset for yourself to come back to center and have a bit of a fresh beginning. It won’t fix the problems of the world around us that are happening right now or challenges that you may be dealing with in your life but it will help you to get one step closer to figuring out how to manage it. For instance, I’ve been dealing with this technical business issue for four months now and I could not figure it out. Do you know the answer came to me over the weekend while I was out for the longest drive. I wasn’t even thinking about it. It just came into my mind. Sometimes you need to let your mind rest and that’s what we are getting today.
This New Moon is bringing you energy to help you to rest, relax and have some extra fun this lunar cycle and I encourage all of you to take that and run with it. What can you do to bring this energy around you during this lunar cycle? You will find that when you are doing things like planning outings or relaxing days this energy will just flow. It’s already moving in around you. I find that often the New Moon energy moves in up to three days before the actual New Moon. I know I felt it this weekend as I lost track of how many times Earl and I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. It’s as if we had a magickal tour guide helping us to always be in the right place. It was amazing. Work with this energy and you may find that you are quite amazed at where it takes you.
Have a magickal day and a Blessed New Moon!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
P.S. If you haven’t ordered your New Moon reading today is the last day! I have a special combo deal below and the traditional New Moon reading for you on the shop! Stop by the shop!!
New Moon Blessings!