
New Moon Blessings!

New Moon Blessings!!! Welcome to September!! We are starting it out with some strong energy and a beautiful New Moon today!! Make sure you stop by and check out the Welcome September article for all the great things coming your way this month.

The picture above is from this weekend in Gloucester. 🙂 Earl and I took a day trip to see the Schooner Festival that I told you about the other day on Moonsong Daily Magick.  They did fireworks over the harbor at the end of the night after the boat parade of lights.  We spent a lot of time watching the boats come and go and looking for sea glass when the tide went out on the beach.  It was really the best day. 

Today we celebrate our September New Moon! Our New Moon this month is in Virgo bringing some great energy of organization and attention to detail.  If you have things that you are looking to get done, or information that would be helpful to bring you some extra clarity in your life, you are going to find that the energy this lunar cycle will be helpful with that.  Today is a great day to start new projects or to try something new. It’s a great time for new beginnings as you will find it easier to adapt to things that are new.

Our New Moon is going to help you to see yourself.  I think sometimes we go through life and we experience all these changes that can sometimes change who we are as well. If you aren’t actively watching out for that you may miss changes that have happened with who you are and what you want and accordingly you may find yourself missing out on some pretty important opportunities.  This New Moon is a great time to check in with yourself and look at how your life has been changing… how have you changed? Do you see anything different? Have your opinions on things changed? What about the things that you want in your future…have they changed at all? It’s honestly a great idea to make it a policy to check in with yourself on each New Moon and go through all of these questions. Look at goals that you are working on, what you have accomplished and what you want to work on.  Be flexible with yourself and allow yourself to make changes.  Remember what is most important is that you are connected to yourself on that deeper level and that you have a solid understanding of who you are and what you want in your life.

Next comes your place in this world. It’s a question that I find all of us ask at many times in our lives.  It’s ok if you get hit with questions about this out of nowhere. I’ve had times in my life that I’m going down a path sure that I know what I’m doing and then something happens that makes me question everything! Sometimes it’s just a matter of letting the dust settle…sometimes it’s a sign that I need to make changes.  This is something else that you are looking for.  Know how you fit into the world around you. What impact do you have on the lives of the people surrounding you in life.  Think about how you are seen and how you want to be seen.  Are these things aligned? If not, what can you do to work on changing that.  The more you work on things like this, the more confident you will feel and the more you will find yourself remaining true to who you truly are and that’s so important.  When you do that it helps to ensure that the energy coming your way also aligns with who you are and what you want.

This is also an important time to make sure that mind, body and spirit are all in harmony.  Look at your personal health and well-being.  Are you getting everything that you need? How can you improve upon the balance for this in your life?

Virgo can bring energy of change and transition.  Keep this in mind as you navigate this month.  Energy of change is all around you and the more you bring your awareness to this, the more potential you will find in this energy.

I usually pull a card for you at the New Moon and Full Moon from my main deck, the Mystic Dreamer Tarot.  As I went to pull a card for you today these two dove onto my lap so I will take that as a sign. I love their energy honestly and they flow so well together.  Energy of new beginnings comes your way with this New Moon.  Remember that you hold the pen that writes your personal story in life…. what do you want to do? Where do you want your life to go? Don’t let fear hold you back. This is a great time to really dig in and follow your heart on that new journey that is calling you.  You have a lot of energy moving around you to help you to manifest the things that you want the most in your life.  Remember that there is a huge world out there waiting for you and sooooo much potential.  If you need something, ask your guides for help.  Look for the signs that they send to you to let you know that they are with you. This is a time where hope and possibility are king. Look for them and let your heart lead the way. It’s going to be a great month.

Have an amazingly magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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P.S. I still have some September New Moon Readings and New Moon Tarot Messages available on my shop! Stop by my shop!

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