ArticlesNew Moon

New Moon Blessings!

Did you book your New Moon Reading? Make sure you sign up for Moonsong Daily Magick to receive a copy of today’s New Moon Spell!

I’ve been really excited for this New Moon.  I’m excited for pretty much every New Moon but I feel like this one is bringing some wonderful energy that so many of us will find beneficial.  

First I have to mention that today is Earth Day. If you missed my article on Earth Day yesterday you can catch it here: Earth Day.  It’s such an important day that I feel like we all need to take part in and recognize any way that we can.  This year Earth day is celebrating 50 years! That’s pretty amazing! While we can’t do things in person this year they are holding an amazing virtual event online that I think many of you will enjoy checking out.

Our New Moon tonight is in Taurus bringing us this wonderful energy of the Earth that is going to really enhance the Earth Day energy and the healing of the Earth that she’s currently receiving.  I saw pictures of the pollution levels in my area this morning declining and it’s really incredible.  The Earth is healing in so many ways right now and we chatted about that the other day a bit in Daily Magick. If you have a moment to look at it, you will see some amazing things happening.

This New Moon is bringing you some incredibly grounding energy and energy that is meant to help you to connect to the Earth.  Today spend as much time as you can enhancing your connection to the Earth.  It is an amazing day to spend time outside or in your garden.  Earl just planted all of our seedlings yesterday and I’m so excited to have the Greenhouse back upstairs.  I will show you pictures when the plants start growing.  If you have the means to plant something today it will bring you some wonderful energy.  Choose a plant that you want to work with this year and nurture.  You can infuse it with energy of something that you would like to work on. 

In the past several weeks we’ve been given challenges and opportunities that have really had us looking at our lives and gaining a larger understanding of who we are.  Some have found themselves with extra time on their hands to explore life and the things that make you who you are.  Perhaps opportunities to begin something new.  Others have been moved into the spotlight rising up to challenges presented to help with the situations at hand.  Still others have had a combination of this going on.  No matter what is happening in your life I’m sure we can all agree that we’ve had some energy around us that has really been making us look at who we are, where we are in our lives now, and what we want for our future.  

The energy coming to us today is energy of new beginnings.  It’s energy to help you put together all that you have been learning.  You should find that this energy helps to slow things down a bit for you to work on something that you’ve been wanting to.  You likely have things that you’ve been understanding and learning. Maybe you have projects that you’ve been wanting to work on. It’s a huge time for changes.  That energy of change is all around us and so many of us have been feeling the impact daily.  With this New Moon I’m getting energy that is going to help to start smoothing things out and calming things down.  You will find you are able to start focusing more.  Things will start making more sense over the next four weeks.  We are in an incredibly heavy time of transitions but things shouldn’t feel so up in the air as they have been.

This is the perfect time to cleanse your home.  I always recommend a combination of white sage followed by dragonsblood incense.  Plant seeds for things that you want in the future.  Dream about things that you want.  Do something special for yourself.  Spend extra time outside and enjoy the sound of the world around you.Take some time to really look at the world around you.  Not on the news.  Look at how things are different.  Look for the animals, the birds, the life that is blooming all around you.  There is some wonderfully empowering energy coming to you today if you choose to connect to it. 

Most important bring yourself some self love and send some love to others in your life.  There are a lot of people struggling. If we all send a bit of extra love maybe we can help bring some extra love, calm and healing energy to the world tonight. 

I hope that you have the most magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

P.S. Make sure you get out there and wish on that first star tonight! 

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