Happy Saturday!!!!
I’m all tucked into my house, snug as a bug, waiting for a snowstorm that should be here shortly. I believe we are supposed to get about 3-6 inches, so we are anticipating not being able to go anywhere until tomorrow, and I’m okay with that! Even though snow is meant to be coming this afternoon, I am ready for Spring!! I can feel it coming!! So, I decided that today was the perfect day to launch all the Spring Readings!!!! They are on the shop and all ready for you!!! I wanted to do something else to make it fun, so I put the entire shop on sale for you as well. It’s just for today, though, so make sure that you get over there and take a look or book your favorite reading that you’ve been waiting for that perfect time to book. I hope all of you are having an amazing weekend! Stop by the shop!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong