Today I have a quick tip for you that will help you when you need to ground in a hurry. I call it the Rainbow Grounding Technique. Some of you may already be familiar with it as I know it’s a semi-popular technique. I was taught it years ago on my wellness journey. If you ever find that you need to ground and center in a hurry I can tell you that this technique works! Ready?
Wherever you are stop and look around the area that you are in. Go through all the colors of the rainbow and choose one item that matches. Make sure that you take a deep breath with each one. So for instance, where I am currently sitting I can see:
Red Raspberry Body Lotion
Orange Cat Toy
Yellow Birthday Bear statue
Green Turtle statue and Green Wolf
Blue Glitter Lava Lamp
Purple Amethyst.
Try to repeat this three times if you can. You will find that each time through helps you to feel more calm.
A variation of this is the Alphabet Grounding Technique. With that technique, you find an item that starts with each level of the alphabet. I hope that helps!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Quick Rainbow Grounding Technique