One of the things that I love about living where I do is the access I have to the many rail trails in my area. They are some of the most beautiful places I’ve been lucky enough to walk, winding by fields, lakes, and beautiful mountainsides.
Railways are still significant in many parts of the United States. However, there are many places where certain tracks were no longer in use and sat abandoned, seeing no one except for the local wildlife or perhaps an occasional curious traveler. Many old rail lines are being converted into some of the most beautiful walking trails. They removed the tracks and created a wonderful paved area to walk. Most of the rail trails near where I live, you can just walk or ride for miles and miles. There is a massive initiative to connect as many as we can.
Whenever we travel now, we look for rail trails in the area. We’ve never been disappointed! There is almost always a place to go, and they always have the most beautiful views. The Rail Trail on Cape Cod even goes by the ocean. Rail trails are not just in New England. You will likely have luck finding them all over the country. I encourage you to see if you have any in your area. I know many of you will enjoy walking on them.
I hope that you have the most magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Rail Trails of New England