Did you know that you can use a pendulum to help you to check in with the energy of your Chakras? It can be incredibly helpful in letting you know what chakras need the most energy work. You can also use it to help you to direct energy to repair them.
Let’s start with sensing the energy of your heart chakra. Hold the pendulum in front of the chakra that you are looking to find the energy of. The stone of the pendulum should be in front of the chakra or whatever is the weight on your pendulum. Make sure that you are familiar with your pendulum. For mine, if I tell it to show me yes it will move either forward and back or clockwise. Counterclockwise with my pendulum means unknown and back and forth means no. I have a couple of pendulums that prefer a slightly different system but this is the system I find I use the most.
Holding the pendulum in front of the chakra ask it a question that is direct about your chakra. For example. “Do I need to do energy work on this chakra today?”, is an example of an excellent question to ask. In this way, you can help to determine what chakras you need to work with as you will find that you don’t always need to work with them each day and some may need it more than others. If you are comfortable with the pendulum you may find that you can use it to show you the level of energy that your chakra has. I know that if my pendulum is moving clockwise quickly that the chakra is good. If it is slow it may need some work. If it’s not spinning and simply going back and forth it needs help. This is another way to do this.
To bring extra healing energy lay down flat with your pendulum above the chakra you wish to bring healing to. Draw down healing energy from above by visualizing it as white light moving through your hand, down through the pendulum, and spinning over your chakra. With this white light state that you call upon the energy of the universe and your guides to help heal this chakra. It should be spinning clockwise. When you are done you can ask it to verify that yes it is healed.
If you find it challenging to work with the pendulum while laying down you can also work with a picture of yourself or a diagram of the chakras while visualizing the chakra area on yourself that you are working with.
Have a magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Sensing and Healing the Energy of Your Chakras with a Pendulum