
Spring Bulb Show at Smith College

I’ve been mentioning that I’ve been starting to feel the energy of Spring.  This week I had the opportunity to go to the Spring Bulb Show at Smith College and it always gets me ready for Spring so I thought I would share some pictures with you today

Living in Massachusetts I share my home with a lot of different colleges and universities.  One of them that is just about a half hour from my house is Smith College.  It’s a college for women that was founded in 1871.  The campus is a lot of fun to walk through if you enjoy old buildings as I do. You can see one of them in the distance in this photo.  You can also see a portion of the greenhouse that the Spring Bulb Show is housed in.

The show is a beautiful treat that has become a bit of a tradition for those of us that live here to shake off the colder weather as you can see in the photo.  It’s melting!!

The rooms are just filled with colorful plants like this room that you can see here, and the one that I chose at the top of the article.

I took a bunch of photos to help you to see some of the flowers up close. 🙂

You get the opportunity to get up close with so many different types of flowers.

Some are familiar. 🙂

Some a bit harder to find.

Some of the flowers had such vivid colors!

I was so excited to see pussy willows growing. I have loved them since I was little.  In this picture you can also see Mother Nature adding her touch to the floors and walls of the greenhouse.

Some of the flowers are older and have grown to the top of the greenhouse.

They also have beautiful places to stop and sit for a bit.

This was my first time seeing a Cocoa tree. 🙂

I love the wooden planters.

An old door to one of the many greenhouses that create the show.

Of course I also found rocks that I loved everywhere.

There was no shortage of things to take pictures of!! I hope you enjoyed the ones that I was able to share with you today!
Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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