There are so many things in life that I love, books and walking around old cemeteries are two of them. When I saw this book on a trip to Salem I knew I wanted to grab a copy of it. Growing up in New England one of my favorite things was exploring old cemeteries. We have so many older cemeteries out here many with stones from the early 1800s and if you know where to look you can find them dating as far back as the 1600s.
Stones and Bones will give you a tour of some of the cemeteries in New England and a glimpse of some of the graves within those cemeteries. If you are from New England this is a book that you definitely want as it gives you the address of the places discussed in the book.
One of the reasons that I loved reading this book is that it gives you the stories of the people who are buried in the graves. If you’ve ever strolled an old New England graveyard there are graves that can make you wonder about the story of the person buried there.
“Think my friends when you see
how my wife hath dealt by me
She in some oysters did prepare
some poison for my lot and share;
When of the same I did partake
and nature yielded to its fate
before she my wife become
Mary Felton was her name”
This is the grave of Warren Gibbs who dies at 36 years old. His grave was put up by his brother. Interesting right? You never know what you will read on an old grave stone!
There are stories of graves from old sea captains, Mayflower passengers and even a woman who was believed to be a vampire. Oh! Of course a book like this would also need to let you know if there have been stories of spirits in the cemetery as well. I found the book incredibly fun to read and a few of the places we have already been to explore. If you live in New England you will love checking out a lot of these places. Even if you aren’t from New England I do believe so many of you will enjoy the stories inside.
Have a magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Stones and Bones of New England