One of everyone’s favorite topics around this time of year is houses that are haunted. For some of us, it may be a favorite all year. Yet again, this is something that I was also interested in incredibly early in my life. As I saw spirits and I knew things were going on I was always looking for answers. One of my gifts is sensing the energy of places and it’s incredibly interesting. I can sense the energy of a place pretty much wherever I am. What gets tricky is separating out current energy vs energy of the past. It’s something I’ve learned to do through the years and it’s something that I find so much fun.
Do I think houses can be haunted? Absolutely. I believe in it in terms of a place that may be frequented by spirits. The other day I was talking to you about graveyards and I told you that I don’t find as much energy there. Why? Well… how much time do you honestly believe that you are going to spend in the place that you anticipate being buried….. none? Maybe a day if you are proactive about things like that. So you are much more likely to have energy in a graveyard that has to do with the living as people mourning can raise some tough energy. The exception to this is if someone has been buried with an object. I find that spirits can get attached to objects. A wedding ring may be one example. This can lead to spirits that you may find in graveyards. Remind me to tell you about a set of model planes that I picked up from a yard sale and their owner on the other side. Actually… maybe I’ll tell you that story tomorrow along with how you can have haunted objects.
When a person lives in a house they tend to put their heart and soul into that house. It’s a place that they spend a lot of time. It’s a place that they invest a lot of energy. So I’m not surprised to find a spirit in a house or even on the land that they use to live on. It doesn’t mean that they are lost or stuck here. We have the ability to travel wherever we wish once we cross and you will find that sometimes souls come back to revisit old memories or to look after people or places that had meaning to them in any of the lives that they have walked.
Is a house that is haunted always going to be scary? No. I’ve been in plenty of places that have had the presence of spirits there who were perfectly warm and accomodating. It sounds like I sat down to have tea with them, doesn’t it? I just mean that I can sense them there, sometimes I can see them or get information from there and they don’t care if I’m there. It often tends to match how the person was in life. If they were someone that was warm and welcoming and enjoyed guests, you may find that they are similar on the other side. We have soul traits that we carry. It doesn’t mean you will actively utilize those traits in every life but they will be with you and you can choose if you wish to accept them in life. For instance, a soul that is very open and loving may be like that in each life. However, if they have something traumatic happen in a life that they are walking they may be more closed off in that life. Every life that you walk is different.
Souls that are less than welcoming may have a variety of reasons for that. It may be how they were in that life. They may be a soul that doesn’t particularly like company. They may be a soul that may struggle. So many reasons and I could write a book about all that I know about spirits. There’s just so much to them. The majority that I’ve encountered have been pretty ok? I see them in so many places though. I can tell you that the disgruntled ones tend to make a bit more of a wave in the energy around you. I have been touched by one that wasn’t a happy man and it wasn’t pleasant. It was associated with something that happened with the land that I was on. It was a strong lesson in how to clear energy for me. You are going to find that people are more drawn to those types of souls because they are more noticeable? Grandma Mable who came back to check on her flowers likely won’t create as much energy as the lady who doesn’t want anyone on her property for any reason. Does that make sense?
The best thing that I can tell you is to respect it. If it’s not your property move away from it if you are having trouble. I know I’ve mentioned in a different article that I’m more concerned about people using old abandoned houses for things they shouldn’t be like places to make drugs than I am spirits. Be careful what haunted houses you go looking for if you go looking. As far as stories of haunted houses there are so many! It’s the perfect time of year to curl up with a good book about haunted houses. So much fun!
Have an amazingly magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
If you are interested I have an article from the History Channel that you may find fun to read: Haunted Houses
The Energy of Haunted Houses

One thought on “The Energy of Haunted Houses”
Great. Thanks. I had a coupe, so many experiences in my own Hause in France where I live at the age of 2