ArticlesSpirit Animals

The Heron

Several weekends ago now I went to Plymouth for the day. It’s one of my favorite towns to visit here in New England. 

We are always on the lookout for wildlife whenever we go and we were really excited to see the heron in the water as we walked along the water.  We stood there for a bit of time watching it looking for dinner.  It was getting late in the day so we decided to finish our walk and go grab some pizza.

After dinner…the Heron was there again.  I live in an area that they aren’t super common.  I’m pretty confident that this was the same Heron.  We stopped and watched for awhile then went for a walk along the pier. 

On our way back we saw the Heron in a different place. I honestly felt like it was following us! It seemed that everywhere we were along the water that night the Heron was. 🙂  We saw it a few other places that night but these were some of the best pictures.  I was definitely aware of the presence of the Heron.

For those of you who have had the opportunity to watch a Heron, you know that they are incredibly patient.  I will never forget sitting and watching one catch dinner on a quiet lake many years ago.  We sat there for so long just watching the Heron patiently get the catch that it wanted for dinner.  The Heron brings you energy of patience to help you to go after the things that you want the most in your life. They also bring you energy of clarity that helps you to see things. If you have something that you need to work on that maybe you haven’t been getting all the information that you need or you need to look at things from different perspectives, the Heron is a great Spirit Animal to call upon.

If you struggle with mediation or want to improve your meditation practice or you want to find more focus in life with anything really the Heron is an incredible Spirit Animal ally to call upon.   This was the first day off that I had in a long long time and the energy this entire day was just so incredibly calming. I know that the Heron was there to remind me that I need to find that quiet more…that calming energy that I love so much that allows me to really connect to the strong Earth energy that is where I feel most at home. It’s why I was at the ocean that day.  There is healing energy to be found in the ocean and the Heron can bring healing energy as well as helping you to clear your thoughts.  The Heron reminds you to quiet your mind and to dig deeper into your thoughts, your heart and your soul to ensure that you have that empowering connection with yourself that will help you to navigate life and ensure that you are making the best decisions.

Have you ever noticed that you rarely will find a Heron with another Heron? I have never seen more than one together and they often won’t even be in the same area.  The Heron helps you to focus on personal empowerment.  They can help you to see the things that you need to see to not only survive but thrive.  When doing any type of solo work in life, the Heron is a great choice to call upon.

I hope that you have an amazingly magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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