I was working with a tarot client recently with the new Witch’s Path reading and we were working on the topic of her working with magick. I was looking for how she could improve her magick and what came up in the cards is something that I’ve seen a lot so I wanted to bring it to you today.
When you are working with magick your confidence and ability to let go are going to be key. You need to release any worries or fears when it comes to working with magick. I find that most people worry if they are doing things correctly and that directly interferes with what they are trying to do as it interrupts the energy that they are trying to raise. I don’t care how effective the spell’s potential is, if you are worrying about the execution of that spell it won’t do what you want it to do. It is my belief that you are better off starting with simple spells and then increasing their complexity as you become more confident.
Some of the most effective spells I’ve seen have been simple spells. For instance, you can go out by yourself and wish on a star and if that love, intention and desire to manifest something is there it may be the most powerful spell you work with. You may run the most complicated spell with all the right ingredients, times, etc but if you are worrying about doing it right, it won’t work. Don’t worry so much about the process as the intentions that you are trying to lift up and the energy that goes with it. When you do that you will find success.
Have a magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
The Importance of Confidence and Letting Go in Magick