Over the last several days I have seen several Eagles and I am really enjoying their energy on my path.

As I sat down to write this to you, I watched this beautiful Eagle looking over the ocean on my seal pups cam on Explore.com. I’ve never seen an eagle on that camera before. I am always a bit in awe when I have the chance to watch them.
Yesterday on my way home from running an errand, a bird high in a tree caught my eye. I thought it was the red-tailed hawk, but I quickly realized that this bird was so much bigger than the hawk taking up most of the top of the tree. I wish we were on a quieter road as I would have asked Earl to pull over. That golden glow was unmistakable, and I have no doubt that I saw a golden eagle sitting at the top of that tree. It’s been several years since I have seen one, and I always find them to be so beautiful to see.
On that same day, Earl also pointed out an Eagle that had stopped in front of our house in the morning before we left. I believe it lives in the park across the street from my home on the other side of the river. We will see it flying by from time to time. It’s easy to distinguish from the other birds because of its size.
The Eagle brings you some incredible energy. They are so empowering, bringing you wisdom and strength in the unknown. February is always a tough month for me. I struggle with seasonal depression, and it’s always a tough time for the business. If I could press a fast-forward button this month, I would. Sometimes it can be a bit of a battle of the mind for me. Yes, even I have days that I wonder if I’m on the right path. As I say that, I know I am exactly where I am meant to be. I honestly can’t imagine being anywhere else. Months like this can be incredibly tough and it’s hard not to have doubt cast in one’s mind. What always lights up my heart and soul is the love from my guides and their generosity in sending me signs which is why I bring you this story today. What are the odds of seeing three eagles in just two days? I understand one is on a webcam but still. There is no doubt this powerful spirit animal is here as a sign to stay the course and never give up. The Eagle comes to remind us to always follow our intuition and honor our soul.
The Eagle comes to lead you in times when you may need a boost in confidence. He reminds you to be unshakeable in what you do. Stand tall and proud, and then when you are ready to fly, make sure you fly high, taking in all that this wonderful life has to offer you. They bring signs of hope for the future, and for those of you that the Eagle comes to you will often find that you are meant to be a source of hope and leadership for others. If the Eagle comes to you, please shine brightly as that’s what you are meant to do.
The Eagle also brings us incredible vision. He allows us to go deeper into the things that we are seeing in life and to take our intuition further, enabling us to see so much more than we would on an everyday basis. It’s a reminder not just to take in what’s immediately in front of you but to have a vision for the future, for that is what we are working towards, our desires for the future. Watch for the Eagle to cross your path as you will find the Eagle can bring you some incredible energy and perhaps some love from your guides.
Have an amazingly magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong