The fox first came to me as a spirit animal well over ten years now and I have really enjoyed my time working with him. I am blessed that he is one that I often see in person. We have one that comes through our yard on his nightly runs pretty much every night. From time to time we will have things that make good treats for the fox that we will leave out for him. We try to leave out more during the wintertime as New England winters can be tough. The fox is really a magickal animal and is known to be a messenger of the Divine. This is one spirit animal that I find often works with those who have strong intuitive gifts. As a totem animal foxes are notorious for their magick, shapeshifting abilities, and ability to become invisible. Native Americans believe that the fox has healing powers.
When the fox comes into your life you need to look at your situation from all angles. See if a different perspective may shed light on the situation that you find yourself in. The fox is a strong animal in sensing the emotions of others. He can walk into a situation and sense the energy of all around him while blending in with the background and then decide how to proceed. He teaches us also to observe the actions of others and to sense them rather than relying on the words they are using. Use the fox’s strength of invisibility to blend yourself into crowds and avoid drama going on around you. When learning to work with his energy you can find that people may actually bump into you as you are mastering the art of camouflage and invisibility. The art of blending and observing our surroundings empowers us to make better situations by getting a full picture.
If a fox crosses your path quickly it’s a sign that you need to look at things more going on in your life as you may find that there are things happening that you aren’t seeing or realizing. There may be more to a situation happening in your life that you don’t realize. They can also suggest that there may be other options or paths to things going on in your life, especially if you are facing a challenge. The fox invites you to look at different ways of doing things and to rely more upon your intuition.
Have a magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong