It started about a month ago when we were out for a walk and this bird was following me, or I felt like it was, singing the most wonderful songs. I finally spotted it and stood there watching as it changed through all these different calls and songs. It was a mockingbird! I just sat there amazed watching it for a long time.
A couple of weeks later I saw one in my yard on my bird feeder. Yesterday I had one outside my bathroom window. It was screeching at first to get my attention. Then when I walked over to the window it sat on top of a hook with the feeder and started singing all these songs. 🙂 I just loved it and sat there as until she decided to fly off. I took a picture of her for you.
This appears to be the year of the bird for me when working with spirit animals. I’ve had a Cardinal around me for a couple of months now as well. I am definitely enjoying my time with them. I have quickly come to adore the Mockingbird for all the different sounds that they can sing. Just mesmerizing to watch them switch between all the different calls.
As a spirit animal the mockingbird can bring you a lot of wonderful energy. I was told that they also are a bird that brings signs from loved ones on the other side and that made me incredibly happy. If you think about all the different calls and songs that the Mockingbird will bring to you it will help you to understand how they can help you to find the energy of your own voice. Sometimes in listening to others you can find yourself and the sound of your own voice. You will also find energy that helps you to sing not just your song but many songs, so many songs of happiness and uplifting energy. The energy that the mockingbird brings you is incredibly uplifting.
They also teach you what inspires you by bringing you a variety of different energy. Sometimes experiencing all different sounds, all different, places, people, things and energy can help you to find what calls to you and the Mockingbird reminds you to really look around and see what life is bringing you.
The mockingbird has beautiful energy of innocence. It’s energy that really calls to me and it’s energy that you will find really refreshing and healing if you get to work with the mockingbird. It’s a reminder to pull back from energy of the world or experiences in life that can weigh you down in life and to just get back to the core of who you are.
I hope that you have an amazingly magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
The Mockingbird as Your Spirit Animal