
The Summer Sale is On!!

Everything in the Shop is On Sale Now!!

I know for many it feels like the end of Summer with the kids going back to school and the weather starting to shift, but we still have about a month of Summer left! Let’s soak up all that sunshine!! We are almost in September, one of my favorite months months of the year! Here in New England it means warm days, cool mornings and evenings and skies that are so blue!! I also get to celebrate my birthday on the 6th!

We have a lot of exciting things coming up like the beginning of September, the New Moon on the 2nd and our Witch’s Thanksgiving in just a few weeks! To celebrate all the great energy around us now and coming our way, I decided to have a Summer Sale! Instead of choosing items to put on sale I just put them all on sale for you. I hope you find something that you’ve been wanting! You can find everything on my shop at

Have an amazingly magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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