For as long as I can remember now I typically wake up each night somewhere between 3:00 and 4:00 in the morning. Often it’s right at 3:00. Last night I was looking at all the fireflies in the yard under the light of the Moon. It was really beautiful. As I was standing there relaxing and watching the slow blinks of the fireflies who would soon enter their slumber it occurred to me just how quiet it was.
I go to sleep at night to a chorus of crickets, frogs, and other creatures of the night. Yet for some reason, at 3:00 in the morning, there is nothing… it’s the sound of pure silence with the exception of the occasional random car that has gone by my house. That silence though just surrounds you and you can feel its energy. It’s that energy of possibility and creation. For such a quiet time it feels like a time that is just charged with energy. What a beautiful blank slate to do energy work with and raise a bit of magickal energy. Of course, you can’t help but notice the magickal energy being lent by the power of three.
The phrase “Witching Hour” was first recorded in 1835. It’s long been regarded as a time of heightened supernatural energy. Depending upon your beliefs would be what you believed happened during that time. Witches, demons and ghosts, and the devil are what you will find cited the most. If you are a woman during the times that they were accusing witches you definitely did not want to be out at 3:00 in the morning as they would often see that as a sign of being a witch.
I can tell you that I’ve encountered spirits at this hour but I’ve also encountered them at noon. I think perhaps it’s that sense of quiet and the fact that most of us are still groggy from our sleep and that allows us to relax more that may make our senses heightened during this time. This is especially true for those of us that this falls in the middle of the night as we will find ourselves deep into our sleep cycles. I’ll admit most nights I’m barely aware that I’ve been up and usually just find my way back to sleep in the dark. When I do stop to enjoy the time, it’s a really beautiful time to observe the world.
With that being said I would encourage you to explore the world at 3:00 if you tend to wake up. Pay attention and see if it’s a time that you naturally wake up. For those of you who love working with magick, perhaps it will be the blank slate that you’ve been looking for. If I were to come back as a spirit I honestly believe I would choose this time under the light of the Full Moon for surely it is one of the times when the world is the most beautiful.
I hope you have a magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
The Witching Hour