
Weekly Tarot June 10, 2024

Seven of Swords

Welcome to the second week of June! I’m not sure where the first week went! Energy of change is still pretty strong and the New Moon last week brought in strong energy of new beginnings. For many of you, you may feel like you’ve been picking up pieces …this week you are going to feel like you can take those pieces and start building something and that’s important. There is still unknown information out there that is going to help bring more clarity to all the different things that you are trying to navigate in your life but this week you are going to start having a clearer vision of what you want and how to make that happen and that’s important.

Trust in yourself is important this week. Your intuition will be running strong and you need to trust in that. If you feel like you need to talk to someone or ask questions, make sure you do that! 🙂 This week you want to keep an eye on energy maintenance. All the movement around you is going to have you needing to spend a bit of extra time there in order to make the most out of the potential in this energy and to feel your best.

Have an amazing week!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

P.S. If you enjoyed this post you can join me on Patreon each Monday as part of my “Tarot Reader is in” Tier. 🙂 It includes this and all the other goodies I post each day. I’ll post my Patreon link in the comments.

Card is from the Mystic Dreamer Tarot.

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