Welcome to 2025!! Today we start the first day of a brand new year? What are you going to do to get that energy moving in the right direction?
Remember that this is going to be a year that you will go on a journey of self to bring more love into your life and to find more inner peace. Why not start today? It’s the perfect way to unite your energy with the energy of the new year moving around you. Choose something today that brings you more love and inner peace into your life. Look for something that really makes you smile and makes you happy. This is the perfect day to start something for you. <3
A few years ago now I saw a wonderful idea somewhere in my travels to make a jar for the year. Throughout the year, as good things happen, write them down on tiny slips of paper and collect them in that jar. Then at the end of the year read them all. It’s a great way to keep positive energy moving in the direction that you want it to go and you will find that it’s also a great way to take some memories with you this year.
Remember you are meant to surround yourself with love and happiness. How can you bring more of that into your life? Be sure to always prioritize your health and well-being. This is the perfect year to focus on that.
Let’s make this a magickal year! I look forward to my journey with you! Loki says hello and sends you love as well.
Yesterday I published an article with all of the information on the energy that I sense coming your way in 2025. If you missed it you can find it here: Welcome 2025. I have 2025 Tarot Forecasts on the shop for you for a few more days including one for stones to work with and one for spirit animals and I also have the special 2025 Witch’s Journey of Love, Inner Peace and Transformation. I look forward to working with you in 2025!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Welcome to 2025!!