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 Welcome August!

Welcome to August!  I feel like I’m always saying it’s hard to believe that time is going so fast this year! I hope all of you enjoyed Lughnasadh yesterday and did something fun.  Earl and I were lucky enough to have the opportunity to see the Philadelphia Orchestra at a beautiful outdoor venue.  While it was raining we managed to take a walk at a park in the area and enjoy some time outside.  While it rained all day we were incredibly lucky to have the weather clear in time for the concert that night. 

August has strong energy of the Sun and I love that.  You should find a lot of positive energy moving around you and hopefully some clarity.  For many of you who have been navigating some challenging energy and changes in your life, you may find that destinations are being reached and things are finally starting to make more sense.  We celebrate our New Moon for August this Sunday! If you haven’t ordered your New Moon Reading yet, it’s on the shop for you!

August in New England is so beautiful.  Everything is just various shades of Green and you can find the most beautiful bursts of color absolutely everywhere.  August also starts fair season here in New England.  All the various towns have fairs and the big Eastern States Exposition is in September. It’s so exciting.  We are actually planning to stop through one this weekend. It’s a fair in a smaller town and I look forward to seeing all the goodies that only a small town knows how to deliver in a fair.

Let’s take a look at what’s coming our way this month!

August 1 – Lammas or Lughnasadh – On the 1st of this month we celebrated our first of three harvests on our Wheel of the Year.  It’s time to celebrate the crops and gifts that the Earth is giving to us now.

August 4 – New Moon

August 5 – Celtic Tree month Hazel begins.

August 12 – 13 Perseids Meteor Shower

August 13 – Roman Festival of Pomona, goddess of apples and orchards

 August 19 – Full Moon

August 23 – Vulcanalia the Roman festival of craftsman.

August 31 – Raymond Buckland birthday.

I love that I was talking about the energy of the Sun and then I pulled the Sun for you this month for August.  The Sun brings the best energy. It’s so warm and uplifting. It helps to bring clarity and when you are navigating a lot of new energy of change that can be an enormous help.  I mentioned that for many of you that energy of change may be becoming more clear.. you may find that you are finishing big changes or working on it and you can see that finish line. It’s important to leave challenges of the past behind as you get ready to navigate new energy coming your way.  That heart energy is still strong around you.  It’s truly shaping up to be a Summer of the heart.  There’s a lot of potential for extra love and happiness this month if you follow your heart! Have an amazing month!

Have an amazingly magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

Sold Out! I unfortunately sold out for August Tarot Forecasts this month! You can still purchase a Tarot Forecast!

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