
Welcome July!

I chose the picture for today because it reminds me of July when my kids were young.  We spent so many happy days together on the beach at the ocean playing in the sand and the water.  At night the bands would play and they would play on the playground.  On the weekends there would often be fireworks to make things that much more exciting.  One of my favorite years they took part in a kids bicycle parade.  They were so excited. 

I’ve always found July in New England to be magickal.  Fireflies are everywhere.  If I had to choose one of the most magical times of the year, July would definitely be at the top of my list.  Here in New England fireflies are everywhere and there is something about sitting in your back yard at night just surrounded by thousands of blinking lights that is just so incredibly magical.  A couple of years ago now we went to a state park in upstate New York that had miles and miles of forest that was protected and the entire ride was just sparkling with the blinking of the fireflies.  I’ve never seen anything like it. On that same trip we were lucky enough to watch a fox for a long time taking a bath on a dirt driveway.  We do have a lot here and I’m lucky enough to have a yard full of them because of all the work Earl has been doing to create an environment that they will enjoy in our yard.  I can just sit out there for hours watching the blinking and listening to the frogs talking to us from our pond and the tree frogs in the distance.

As if the fireflies weren’t magical enough I am surrounded in amazing growth everywhere.  Here in New England I definitely live the Wheel of the year and all the tomatoes and strawberries are just starting to turn red.  The herbs are abundant all over my yard and beans are getting ready to come in. Oh! Sunflowers! I love Sunflowers.  They seem to just make everything so happy!

We celebrate our New Moon this week! It’s in Cancer and you will find that it brings some energy that is going to help increase your intuition, put you in touch with your emotions and empower you for some things coming your way.  I’ll give you all the details at the New Moon!  I also have New Moon Readings on the shop for you. 

Our Full Moon is on the 21st of this month and it’s in Capricorn.  This will be our second Full Moon in Capricorn bringing some really great energy.  Let’s take a look at what else is happening this month.

July 1: Crone Day – A day to honor Father Time and Old Mother Nature

July 5 – New Moon

July 8 – Celtic Month of Holly begins.

July 19 – Rebecca Nurse is hung in Salem in 1692.

July 21 – Witch’s Day – A day to celebrate your craft.

July 21 – Full Moon

July 29 – Festival of Thor

August 1 – Lammas or Lughnasadh – Celebration of the Grain Harvest.

I pulled the Death card for July.  You know what that means. 🙂 Energy of change will be strong this month. Things are coming to an end to make way for new beginnings.  I mentioned that the New Moon was bringing some empowering energy and I definitely am getting that strong with this card.  You are going to find yourself working on letting go of anything that may be dragging you down or holding you back from your true potential. Be open to letting go and making changes and you may find a lot of great things coming your way this month.
Have an amazing July!   Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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