Welcome to June!! Can you believe we are in the 6th month of the year? 2023 seems to be moving by at lightning speed and I know these warm months coming aren’t going to slow things down at all. The world around us is filled with the signs of Summer coming our way like the bright pink flowers that I have blooming in my local park that you can see above and the beautiful green Earth colors absolutely everywhere you look. It’s bringing us some much-needed Earth energy that is going to have a big impact on your overall health and well-being. This is a great time to take in some extra time outside. The weather here has definitely been heating up and I know that Summer is just around the corner.
We have a lot of interesting things going on this month. Our Full Moon for June is this Saturday! If you haven’t booked your June Full Moon Reading yet, there is still time! This Moon is known as our Strong Moon or Strawberry Moon. The official beginning of Summer, the Summer Solstice is on the 21st of the month. Our New Moon is on the 17th of this month. There’s a lot of wonderful energy to look forward to!
June 1 – England’s Witchcraft Act of 1563 goes into effect.
June 3 – Full Moon
June 7 – 15 Roman Festival of Vestalia honoring the vestal virgins.
June 10 – Bridget Bishop, the first of twenty victims in the Salem Witch Trials is executed.
June 17 – Starhawk Birthday
June 17 – New Moon
June 21 – Litha/Summer Solstice
June 22 – England’s last witchcraft law is appealed in 1951
June 23 – Scott Cunningham’s Birthday
Have an amazingly magickal day! Oh! If you didn’t order your Mid-Year Forecast you can grab it through Saturday on the shop! I am also booking for June Tarot Forecasts right now!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong