ArticlesWitch Calendar

Welcome June!!

I woke up this morning and sent you the newsletter about the sales for this weekend and then realized that today was the day to write to you about June! This year is going by so fast!! I can’t believe we are in the 6th month of the year.  Six is my favorite number so this is going to be an amazing month. 🙂

I was incredibly excited the other night to find that the fireflies are back!! The kids and I spent a good deal of time watching the blink all over the yard. I took a video of this particular bug so that those of you who have never had the opportunity to see one close up can see it. I think they are so cool.  You can see that here: firefly video 

We celebrate Litha and the Summer Solstice this month! The signs of Summer being on the way are everywhere as the temperatures heat up and the colors of the flowers go from those beautiful pastels into the bright hues that only Summer time here in New England brings.  The picture above is a bush that we planted just a couple of years ago. I’m loving all the different beautiful colors happening in my yard. 

Earth energy has been big for a couple of weeks and you are going to find that it follows you through June. It’s going to get a beautiful boost with our New Moon coming up this week.  If you haven’t ordered yours yet I still have a couple of spots for delivery this week.  New Moon Reading.  At the time of writing this I still have one spot for the June Tarot Forecast.  If it’s not there, it sold before this got to you.  It’s being delivered before Monday.

Our Full Moon this month is the Full Strawberry Moon or Sun Moon.  That takes place the day after the Summer  Solstice so it will have some beautiful energy.  We have a lot of wonderful energy to look forward to this month! Let’s take a look at what’s coming our way!

June 1 – England’s Witchcraft Act of 1563 goes into effect.
June 6 – New Moon
June 7 – 15 Roman Festival of Vestalia honoring the vestal virgins.
June 10 – Bridget Bishop, the first of twenty victims in the Salem Witch Trials is executed.
June 17 – Starhawk Birthday
June 17 – New Moon
June 20 – Litha/Summer Solstice
June 21 – Full Moon
June 22 – England’s last witchcraft law is appealed in 1951
June 23 – Scott Cunningham’s Birthday

Have an amazingly magickal day!  Oh! If you didn’t order your Mid-Year Forecast you can grab it with the special bonus card for June on the shop now!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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