Welcome to March! Are you ready for those March Winds of Change? They certainly made their presence known here last night! I love breezes, the wind last night sounded a bit like a train that wanted to come through my house! What’s that tell me? Big changes are coming so get ready! 🙂
I love March because all the beautiful green is coming back! My grass is starting to turn green again, the Willows have already started to get a bit of color with their tiny buds and soon the bulbs will be coming up in the yard that we’ve been planting through the years. It’s a bit like a treasure hunt each day as we look for them.
This month there is a lot of energy of new beginnings, change and movement in your life. You are going to find that Spring is not just in the world around you but it’s also happening in your life as well. You will likely feel called to do some Spring Cleaning this year both of your house and in your personal life. It can be a lot of fun to let go of things that are just no longer working for you to make room for things that you truly want to see in your life. Let’s take a look at what’s coming our way this month.
March 1 – First day of March
March 6 – Laurie Cabot’s birthday. Laurie is the official witch of Salem.
March 9 – New Moon
March 14 – Moon near Pleiades (Seven Sisters) star cluster in the evening.
March 18 – Celtic Tree Month of Alder begins
March 20 – Ostara/Spring Equinox
March 24 – Full Moon
I pulled the Page of Swords for us for March. 🙂 Have you ever had the  opportunity to stand on top of a mountain where you can just see for  miles. The view on this card reminds me of Mount Greylock in  Massachusetts. It’s the highest peak in my state and on a clear day you  can see for about 90 miles. It’s really gorgeous up there. If you’ve  been finding that you’ve been confused about things, or that things  haven’t been as clear as you would like, you should find that the energy  in March helps to bring you clarity. These Winds of Change coming your  way are going to help you to learn more about yourself and where you are  currently standing in life. It’s an important month for you to slow  things down enough so that you can look around. There is a lot for you  to see and learn this month.
I hope that you have the most magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
P.S. I am sold out for the March Tarot Forecasts! I do have March Wind of Change Readings Available, Welcome Spring, and March New Moon Readings Available on my shop! Stop by my shop