Many of you know that this is my favorite time of the year. I love September for its incredibly blue skies and amazing weather and I love the transition into the Season of the Witch and all the amazing goodies and spooky fun that Halloween and Samhain brings. Even as a little one October was my favorite. There was something about Halloween that I just adored, and I found myself looking forward to it all year. I love dressing up as my favorite character for Halloween, and I loved everything to do with witches and haunted houses. Many of you know that I wrote to Laurie Cabot at a very young age. The path has always called me. One of my favorite things to do around this time of year was to draw haunted houses and read stories about them. So much fun. Do you remember how amazing the Halloween books for children were? They had so many of them! How many of you remember Dorie the Little Witch?
It’s always been one of the most magical times of the year for me.
We have officially entered the Season of the Witch, and many of you know that it’s a pretty powerful time in terms of energy. Samhain is a beautiful time to celebrate our ancestors and those who have gone before us. It’s also a time to release things in our life that we need to let go of in order to make room for new energy with our Witch’s New Year. We have some incredibly powerful energy of transition and change around us that has already moved in around us. It came with a beautiful dose of new energy with our New Moon in September, and as we move towards our Full Moon, you are going to find that energy growing. What’s different about this is we often just work on releasing things this time of year. This year we have New energy moving around us at the same time, making it a powerful time of change. This energy is going to be around you for the next several weeks, so look for changes that you need or want to make.
What’s happening this month? Today we start the Countdown to Samhain here on Daily Magick. I’m so excited to celebrate all month long with all of you. We have our Full Moon on the 9th of this month. This Moon is often known as the Blood Moon or the Hunter’s Moon. As we enter the dark half of the year, you will find that the veil is at its thinnest, and communication with the other side is strongest now. This is a great time to focus on your connections with spirit and loved ones on the side and your intuitive gifts. I designed a special 13-card reading that you can find on the shop if interested. October Full Moon Reading.
Our New Moon is on the 25th of this month, about a week before we move into celebrating Samhain and Halloween on the 31st. Then we celebrate our Witch’s New Year starting at midnight on the 31st and moving into November 1st. On November 1st, many of us also celebrate the Day of the Dead. So much fun, right? I love October.
We have entered the Halloween Haunted House drive-by again this year, so I should have some photos coming for you soon and perhaps some videos as we get our front yard all set out and start bringing out the fog machine. We are building upon the dead pirate theme that we’ve had the last couple of years. We added a drinking skeleton pirate this year. I will have videos for you soon! I am so excited about all the wonderful things that this month is bringing our way and celebrating with all of you!
Let’s take a look at what’s coming our way!
October 1 – Countdown to Samhain begins on Moonsong Daily Magick
October 3 – Roman Festival of Bacchus the god of vines, vegetation, and wine
October 9 – Full Moon
October 18 – Birthday of Nicholas Culpeper, herbalist.
October 20 – Selena Fox’s birthday.
October 25 – New Moon
October 28 – Celtic Tree month of the Reed begins
October 31 – Samhain/Witch’s New Year
November 1 – Day of the Dead
I hope all of you enjoy the energy this month! As always, I’ve got some really exciting readings for you in the shop! Many of them are limited edition and are only around for a couple of weeks, so check back frequently! Stop by the Shop! Currently, I have the October Full Moon and special 13 Moon Tarot Readings up for the Full Moon, Across the Veil, to help those of you with your intuitive gifts this month and the Fate and Fortune reading that features the Halloween Oracle just to give you a few of them.
Have an amazingly magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Welcome October!