
Welcome to March

Welcome to March!!! Many of you know that March is known for it’s winds of change…. and I’ll be honest… I’m hoping they are more like a nice slow breeze rather than the tornado that I feel like I’ve been riding. One can hope right?

Even though I still am sitting with snow outside my door I’ve been feeling the energy of Spring for the last few days. We are getting into the 40’s and 50’s here and I am so happy.  The last of the snow is finally starting to go away and today I finally started seeing patches of lawn in my yard again. I know that soon those Spring bulbs will start coming up and the baby rabbits will start bouncing around and I’m just so excited. I’m so ready for all the beautiful shades of green to finally come back.

This month there is a lot of energy of new beginnings, change and movement in your life.  You are going to find that Spring is not just in the world around you but it’s also happening in your life as well.  You will likely feel called to do some Spring Cleaning this year both of your house and in your personal life.  It can be a lot of fun to let go of things that are just no longer working for you to make room for things that you truly want to see in your life. We have the Spring Equinox and Ostara coming up in just a couple of weeks! Make sure you stop by the shop for the special readings that I have for them both. We also enter eclipse season with a total lunar eclipse on our Full Moon on March 13th!   Let’s take a look at what’s coming our way this month

March 1 – First day of March

March 6 – Laurie Cabot’s birthday. Laurie is the official witch of Salem.

March 13 – Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse

March 14 – Moon near Pleiades (Seven Sisters) star cluster in the evening.

March 18 – Celtic Tree Month of Alder begins

March 20 – Ostara/Spring Equinox

March 29 – New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse

I pulled the Wheel of Fortune for us for March! I’m not surprised.  It’s letting us know that in the energy of change that March is going to bring our way, we need to be able to relax and go with the flow.  If you can do that you will maximize the potential of the things happening in your life.   Look for doors of opportunity this month.  If you move with the energy you are going to find some great things this month.

I hope that you have the most magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

P.S. The entire store is on sale today to welcome March!!!

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