What an amazing week! We kicked it off Monday with the New Moon and I got to travel to upstate Vermont to see the Eclipse in Totality. It was absolutely incredible and something that I am so happy that I didn’t miss! I have all the pics and the story of my journey for you here: The Eclipse
Weekend Goodies! Each weekend I like to put some of your favorites on sale! Stop by the shop and see if one of the readings that you want is on sale!
Can you believe that Beltane is just a couple of short weeks away? Make sure you stop by the shop to see the Beltane Readings that I have for you. I also have the Across the Veil reading available for those of you who are gifted intuitives to help navigate the Thinning Veil.
Our Full Moon for April is on the 23rd. I just opened the April Full Moon Reading for you today. Order today to ensure delivery before the Full Moon.
Of course you want to make sure that you don’t miss anything going on as we navigate the Wheel of the Year together and the Thinning Veils! Join me on Moonsong Daily Magick! Want even more? Join me on Patreon for lots of articles and behind the scene goodies. 🙂
I look forward to reading for you!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Welcome to the Weekend!